0 Replies to “Images tagged "kywys-smaug"”

  1. Reinhard & Petra

    Smaug hat soooo einen suessen Kragen !!! solch ein susses Gesicht…. ein 1 million $ Kitty…waere sofort meine 1. Wahl… mein erster und bester Griff, wenn ich in Wellington waere.

  2. Aziz Ayob

    Hi i love to have a siberian kittens,.
    Do you flight them to Singapore?
    What is the price + shipping.
    Hope for your reply.
    Thank you.


  3. lisa

    Hi, I am looking at getting a cat or kitten and want to get the best breed for my daughter and I. Is it possible to visit you and meet your kittens and cats sometime ? Kind regards

  4. Robbie

    Will you have any kittens available this year? Our two girls are in need after the passing earlier this year of our old tom!

  5. Ginny gooch


    I am just contacting you because we have been looking at kittens for years but have been moving around NZ too much for work we are now in our final family home with a huge garden and it’s time our very very patient daughter finally had her kitten
    Could we please discuss going on your waiting list
    Kindest regards Ginny

  6. Bianca

    Hi, we are looking for a Siberian kitten and hoping you have one available? Please could you advise? We live in Wellington.

  7. Jessica

    Hi, we are looking for a Neva Siberian kitten and do you have one available? We live in Wellington.

  8. Jess


    We are cat lovers but one of us is allergic. All my research points to the Siberian breed being the best choice. So my question is. Do you have any available? Also could please give me an idea of cost. I would even be happy with an adult cat of you are thinking of retiring any of your breeding cats. (Fixed of course)

  9. Elizabeth Love

    Hi there,
    I am hoping this message gets to you. I am very much wanting to be put on your waiting list for a kitten. A wee black one if possible and harnessed trained would be fantastic for outdoor supervised walks. I live in Auckland but happy to make my way to Wellington.
    Fingers crossed you get this and are still breeding. Thank you.